“Now to him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us” (Ephesians 3:20 – King James Version) My genuine hope and primary purpose for the Ephesians 3:20 Faith Encouragement and Empowerment Blog is to assist all people of faith, regardless of your prism of experience, to grow spiritually toward unconditional self-acceptance and develop personally acquiring progressive integrity of belief and lifestyle. I pray you will discover your unique purpose in life. I further pray love, joy, peace, happiness and unreserved self-acceptance will be your constant companions. Practically speaking, this blog will help you see the proverbial glass in life as always half full rather than half empty. I desire you become an eternal optimist who truly believes that Almighty God can do anything that you ask or imagine.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Finding God's Grace in Every Challenge and Adversity Part II

Finding God’s Grace in Every 
Challenge and Adversity – Part II

Failure befalls those persons who uncritically accept the brick walls as road blocks and dead ends.  Second, failure emerges in the lives of people who surrender hope.  Third, fear certifies failure for people who allow a few defeats to paralyze them.  Simply, they stop trying to achieve their dreams and goals because they are so afraid that they will fail continually.  The lack of faith in God is another reason some people fail.  “Accordingly to your faith be it unto you.”  Jesus warns a person who entreats Him for a miracle about the spiritual maxim of living a self-fulfilling prophecy of faithlessness.  If you expect nothing in life, you usually get it.  Equally, important, self-questioning and self-doubt inevitably results in the loss of dreams and goals.

In the first chapter of Ephesians, the apostle Paul prays that God opens the eyes of the hearts of the church so that they may be enlightened unto the “good, pleasing and perfect will” Almighty God.  This prayer endures for contemporary Christians.  When we face challenge and adversity, we have the further and perhaps greater test of finding the unending grace of God in every situation.  In His mysterious, mystical, majestic and magnificent way, God embeds grace into every potential failure.  In everything, He sows the seed of providence.  Accordingly, “every exit is an entrance.”  Whenever one door closes, God immediately opens another door that leads toward the fulfillment of His will which usually coheres with the actualization of our heartfelt dreams and goals.

Tunnel vision ensues when we doggedly pursue success even when our present activities do not equate with God’s situational will for us.  Myopia is the natural outcome of unwavering focus.  The loss of a panoramic view regrettably leads us to struggle and persevere within losing predicament.  Why should “failure” surprise us?  Yet, this commendable determination often blinds us to the unnecessary burdens that we may carry when our energies, talents and abilities could be used elsewhere.  As God opens the eyes of our hearts, we are able to see how He graciously closes doors and opens others.  Moreover, He releases us from burdens and frees us to assume other tasks.

The Bible offers us tremendous encouragement as we seek the grace of God in every challenge and adversity.  Isaiah 40:29 states, “He giveth power to the weak and to them that have no might, He increaseth strength.”  In Matthew’s gospel, the Lord Jesus invites the heavy burdened and ladened masses to come to Him.  He says take my yoke upon you and learn of Him.  He is gentle and humble.  His burden is light and His yoke is easy. In 1 Peter, the apostle recommends that believers cast their cares and anxieties upon the Lord for He cares for them.  Finally, the apostle Paul tells the Corinthians that he discovers that the grace of Almighty God is sufficient regardless of the test or tribulation.  Inexplicably, God’s power is made perfect in our weakness.  How incredible it is that overwhelming obstacles and perplexing problems equip us with the very best view and position to find myriad opportunities fruitful possibilities to receive God’s favor.

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