“Now to him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us” (Ephesians 3:20 – King James Version) My genuine hope and primary purpose for the Ephesians 3:20 Faith Encouragement and Empowerment Blog is to assist all people of faith, regardless of your prism of experience, to grow spiritually toward unconditional self-acceptance and develop personally acquiring progressive integrity of belief and lifestyle. I pray you will discover your unique purpose in life. I further pray love, joy, peace, happiness and unreserved self-acceptance will be your constant companions. Practically speaking, this blog will help you see the proverbial glass in life as always half full rather than half empty. I desire you become an eternal optimist who truly believes that Almighty God can do anything that you ask or imagine.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

The Key to a Joyous and Complete Life - Proverbs 19:23

The Key to a Joyous and Complete Life

Theme:      Proverbs 19:23

The fear of the Lord is the key to a joyous and complete life filled with creativity, success, prosperity, health, peace and wholeness.  By fear, Solomon means adoration and worship of Almighty God instead of a feeling of trepidation about possible judgment and punishment.  God does not want us to recoil in His presence.  Rather, He desires that we find security in His unfailing love, comforting presence, unquestionable faithfulness and unending grace.  As He freely gives His unmerited favor to us, His children, out of His limitless heart of love, God equally extends His mysterious and infinite mercy.  His love yields daily and practical blessings enabling us to live a joyous and complete life.

Solomon likens the fear of the Lord with life itself.  He describes exaltation and obedience to Almighty God in a vibrant and progressive relationship as “life indeed.”  This interdependent union between God and an individual supplies him with lifelong freedom from fear of daily provision, lack of purpose, aimless principles and failure to progress and prosper.  Actually, anyone who wholeheartedly fears the Lord rests securely throughout his life.  Moreover, he suffers no harm.  God’s faithfulness serves as an offensive and defensive weapon.  It is shield against the fiery darts of doubt, cynicism, ridicule, natural disasters, health scares and emotional instability.  It is a refuge amidst life’s daily tests and trials.  It is a citadel of protection against the assault of enemies, seen and unseen.  Thus, dwelling continuously in God’s presence means persistent provision and protection.  That blessed assurance prevents suffering and secures His children against any harm.

Furthermore, to utilize the key to a joyous and complete life and open the door to its vistas, a disciple fundamentally and perpetually gives thanks to Almighty God, “the Giver of every good and perfect gift,” for His gracious and generous bestowal of daily blessings.


Author of the international best-selling book, The Power of Positive Thinking, Norman Vincent Peale considerably raised popular consciousness about the benefits of spiritual progress and personal improvement through positive thinking.  His books promote the primary idea that happiness and contentment emerges in the lives of people who discipline their minds to convert all thoughts into positive affirmations.  Likewise, positive people participate in favorable and empowering conversations.  Peale encourages belief in great possibility and limitless creativity.  He challenges his readers to view obstacles as opportunities and roadblocks as directions to a better path.  “If life gives you lemons, then make lemonade.”  A positive outlook virtually assures a person that everything will work out.  Essentially, Peale strives to help struggling persons discover the means and methods of living a complete life.

Centuries before Peale, King Solomon, believed to be the wisest man to have ever lived, offers a more straightforward and enduring answer to the question relating to how to acquire a complete and joyous life.  Simply, Solomon suggests the fear of the Lord and its consequent wisdom as the most effective means and methods of totally enjoying daily living.  Solomon credits the Lord’s wisdom as the deliverer of Solomon’s worldwide influence and unprecedented wealth.  When visited by the Lord in a dream as a child, Solomon is given a chance to ask for anything he wants.  Humbly, Solomon asks for divine wisdom and practical guidance to lead Israel.  Because Solomon does not requests material and financial gain but God’s help, the Lord gives Solomon his heart’s desire and limitless other acquisitions.  Consequently, Solomon teaches others that life is meant to be filled with bountiful blessings and if unfavorable situations arise, God always will take care of anyone who rightly relates to Him.  As Solomon greatly values the Lord’s wisdom, Solomon lives under divine protection although a vast army surrounds him.  For anyone who listens to and fears God, a joyous and complete life awaits.

Definition – What is meant by a joyous and complete life?

Ancient philosophers wrestled with this question.  What is the summum bonum in life?  Aristotle asks, “What is the ultimate good in life?”  Socrates says “The unexamined life is not worth living.”  Epictetus and other Stoic thinkers suggest a person minimize pain as much as possible.  Hedonists recommend maximum self-indulgence; “eat, drink and be merry for tomorrow we die.”  Other Eastern thinkers pursue nirvana, a state of extreme bliss and self-actualization.  All of these perspectives attempt to help people answer one of life’s most demanding questions.  How do we attain a joyous and complete life?

Arguably, there are as many correct answers to the question as people offering responses.  However, Solomon would reject this notion of relativism.  He does not accept any answer as reasonable that excludes a vibrant and growing relationship with Almighty God.  Life, itself, fundamentally means adoration, worship and praise of God.  Hence, a joyous and complete life centers upon God as a person’s “ultimate concern” and reason for being.

It is also possible to answer this enduring question from both negative and positive points of view.  A joyous and complete life definitely excludes adversity, danger and bleak experiences.  A joyous person overcomes all of his fears; renounces doubt; does not lack anything; forsakes poverty; never fails; shuns aimlessness and defeats all adversaries.  However, excluding negative aspects does not necessarily reveal anything positive.  Actually, it leaves a vacuum.  How do we fill it?  With what do we fill it? 

Practically speaking, what are the components of a joyous and complete life?  Love and work are the two main hemispheres in life.  How does a joyous person determine the passions of his heart?  How does he use his time?  Is he able to live peaceably with all people and in all situations?  Is he capable of adhering to moral and ethical principles despite the circumstances?  Is he a good steward of his talents, treasure and temperament in addition to his time?

Today, many spiritual teachers offer concrete answers and “cookie cutter” formulas in response to those questions.  They constantly bombard the airwaves and Internet with fanciful ideas and marketable phrases which evaporate in the heat of reality.  In stark contrast, in this eternal wisdom in Proverbs 19:23, Solomon recognizes life’s many dimensions, components, relationships and seasons do not lend themselves to easy and elementary answers.  Yet, its surest foundation is a relationship with Almighty God whose love, grace, mercy and blessings supply joy and wholeness.

Proofs of a Joyous and Complete Life

What are the indicators of a joyous and complete life?  Possibly, the list is inexhaustible.  Four evident signs leap from the biblical page when meditating upon this verse.  Righteousness which means to live in a right relationship with Almighty God by sharing in His holiness, accepting His unconditional love, benefiting from His grace, receiving His mercy and relying upon His faithfulness is primary.  Second, it reasonable a joyous person devotes himself to a lifelong purpose instead of merely working in a chosen profession; he pursues his passion as a means of earning his daily bread.  Because he works within his passion, he attains achievement and success if not excellence.  Third, he snores harmoniously when he sleeps as he lives in total peace with everyone and within each situation.  Finally, he enjoys complete freedom from all fears and obtains victory over all vices.

Practical Application

“The fear of the Lord” equates with worship which is a lifestyle instead of attendance at a collective gathering of believers.  Wholehearted adoration and praise of Almighty God requires denunciation of idolatry in all its insidious forms.  We cannot serve any other gods.  Accordingly, we obey God’s commands as we live in presence as an act of our reciprocal love in exchange for His loyal, faithful and unfailing love toward us.  We cultivate attitudes and hearts of endless thanksgiving for His bountiful blessings.  In our daily practical of spiritual disciplines such as maintaining a prayer journal and writing gratitude lists among other exercises to strengthen our relationships with Him, we realize the objectives of Solomon’s wisdom in this verse.  God is awesome and majesty beyond our wildest imaginations.  He offers us abundant life filled with serenity and security.  Each day, we cannot possibly awake to any nasty surprises.  No danger will befall us as we live in His direct presence.


If you accept Solomon’s suggestion regarding how to lead your life, you will not lack anything at any time.

Further Reflection

·         Psalm 23
·         Psalm 27
·         Psalm 42
·         Psalm 90
·         Psalm 91
·         Isaiah 40:28-31
·         Isaiah 41:10-13
·         Isaiah 42:16
·         Isaiah 43:1-3
·         Isaiah 45:3